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  • Friday March 15 - Men’s Doubles
  •  Saturday March 16 - Women’s Doubles
  • Sunday March 17 - Mixed Doubles

(Make-up Dates: March 19 and/or 20 if needed due to weather)



Start times for your team will be communicated by email within 2 days from the close of registration.  Games will be played between 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.




  • Registration will open at noon on Sunday, February 4th.
  • Registration will close at noon on Friday, March 1st.

There will be a limit of 14 teams per event.  




  • Women’s Doubles: 2.0/2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0+
  • Men’s Doubles: 2.0/2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0+
  • Mixed Doubles: 2.0/2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0+



  • Round Robin within each event
  • Teams can play between 4 - 8 games depending on the number of teams registered in your event
  • Games will be played to either 11 points (win by 1) or 15 points (win by 1) depending on the number of registered teams in the bracket.
  • Teams will change sides when the first team reaches 6 or 8 points (depending on either 11- or 15-point game).
  • Medals will be determined by win/loss record. In case of a tie then head-to-head record, then point differential will be used to determine medals
  • Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.



  • Members should create their own two-member teams for each competition event.
  •  Only one member from your team needs to register through the SPA website, during this registration process this member will be asked to enter the name of their partner.
  • A separate registration event will be available for SPA members wishing to play but who do not have a partner.  The Tournament Committee will share the names of these players among the registrants so that these members can contact each other to form a two-person team. Once you have formed a team will then need to register under the actual competition event.
  • For more information and to register go to the Event Calendar on the SPA website or follow this link.


What rating event can I register for?   

  • Players that won a gold medal in last year’s tournament are asked to compete in the next higher rating (ex: if you won the mixed 3.0 gold medal last year (2023), we are asking you register at the 3.5 rating level this year.
  • Players may register by using either their SPA club, DUPR, GPN or UTPR rating.  All are considered legitimate ratings for this tournament, so you may choose the one that you feel most accurately represents your tournament skill level.  If you do not have a rating, the Tournament Committee will evaluate you and assign you a temporary rating for the tournament. 

The tournament committee will have final authority to approve or adjust the skill level at which any player registers.


Please note: All 14 courts will be used during the tournament. However, depending on the actual number of registrants, courts may be released back for the SPA general membership use.



Contact Paul Massara

Text: (520) 471-8637

You can register on the event calendar or click any of the options below to go directly to the event:
Accordion Widget
Click Here to Register for the Women
Click Here to Register for the Women
Accordion Widget
Click Here to Register for the Men
Click Here to Register for the Men
Accordion Widget
Click Here to Register for the Mixed Doubles Events
Click Here to Register for the Mixed Doubles Events